Visiting Nurses in Massachusetts Help Elderly Patients Stay Out of the Hospital
It is a common fear that when a person becomes elderly, they will need to be hospitalized more often. However, this is not always the case. In fact, there are many factors that can help elderly patients stay out of the hospital. One way that visiting nurses can help is by providing emotional support. Reassuring the elderly patient that they are not in trouble can help to improve their mood and encourage them to take care of themselves.
More importantly, they can provide the healthcare and homecare services needed to keep the elderly patient as comfortable as possible at home. This can include helping to keep the elderly patient hydrated and nourished, providing assistance with bathing and toileting, and providing assistance with activities of daily living. Here's how visiting nurses in Massachusetts help older patients stay out of the hospital and live more comfortably at home.
Reducing Social Isolation
One of the worst things that can happen to an elderly patient is to become isolated from their friends and family. By providing social activities and programs, visiting nurses can help to reduce this isolation. They can also assist with the coordination of social activities.
Preparation for Winter
One of the biggest risks for elderly patients is becoming injured in the winter. By providing educational materials and advice on how to stay safe in the winter, visiting nurses can help to reduce this risk. They can also provide assistance with the purchase of winter clothing and accessories if necessary.
Implementing Exercise Programs
One of the best ways to prevent readmission to the hospital is to exercise. By providing exercise programs for the elderly, visiting nurses can help to improve their overall health and prevent readmission to the hospital.
Planning and Prepping for Healthy Eating
A healthy diet is one of the best ways to prevent readmission to the hospital. By providing educational materials and advice on how to eat a healthy diet, visiting nurses can help to improve the dietary habits of the elderly.
How Nurses Prevent Readmissions
One of the biggest drains on quality of life is being readmitted to the hospital after surgery, a major health scare, or an injury. Visiting nurses in Massachusetts reduce readmissions to the hospital in a few critical ways.
Think Holistically About Care Plans
Instead of just taking into consideration medications and physical treatment, visiting nurses also take into consideration the emotional, social, and environmental factors that can impact older patients. It's important to get regular exercise to help in any healing process, and having support is a major contributor to how a patient feels, encouraging faster, stronger recoveries. Taking into account these holistic strategies instead of just a narrow focus on one issue can help older patients avoid costly trips to the hospital.
Self-Care Plans for the Home When Nurses are not Available
In order for visiting nurses to be most effective in preventing readmissions, they need to have a solid understanding of the self-care needs of the elderly. They need to have a plan that includes checking in on the elderly patient's health, providing information about medications, and providing instructions for activities of daily living.
Planning a Discharge Home
Once the elderly patient is ready to be discharged, visiting nurses need to have a plan for discharge. This includes making sure that all the necessary documents are in order, arranging for transportation, and ensuring that the elderly patient has all the supplies they need for their home.
When a visiting nurse helps with this process, it is often more effective because they have seen the patient's home and how they live, the things they like for activities, and the things they need help with. This helps the visiting nurse to have a better understanding of what the elderly patient needs and wants, and it can make the transition back to their home easier.
The Role of Visiting Nurses
What could be more comforting than coming home to a visit from a caring nurse? Visiting nurses play a vital role in the care of older patients. By providing emotional support, physical assistance, and guidance in self-care, they help to keep elderly patients out of the hospital and living more comfortably at home.
Get Quality Care from a Visiting Nurse in Massachusetts from Alliance Home Care VNA
You want the best for your loved ones, and that includes taking care of their health. That's why you need to work with a visiting nurse to provide the best possible care for your elderly patients. A visiting nurse in Massachusetts can help to prevent readmissions to the hospital, provide emotional support, and provide the guidance and support that older patients need to live more comfortably at home.
Contact Alliance Home Care VNA today to request a free in-home estimate and find out more about our visiting nurse services in Massachusetts.
Alliance Home Care VNA
400 West Cummings Park, Suite 3775
Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 781-281-1626
Fax: 781-281-1627
Business Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
On call 24 hours, 7 days a week
Admissions are taken 7 days a week, including holidays
Free In-Home Consultation
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Cape Verde, French, Creole