There are numerous types of in-home care available for older people. However, one form which is often overlooked is hospice care. Hospice care is specifically for people who are nearing the end of life and is focused on improving the quality of their remaining days, while hospice home health aides provide help to both the patient as well as their family.
This can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, but one which is sometimes necessary. Often, when families come to us, one thing they mention is that they wish they had learned about hospice care sooner. We are here to help families through these difficult times, focusing on creating the most positive experience possible and maintaining mental health throughout.
These are the basics of hospice home care, and hospice home health aides.
How In-Home Hospice Care Works
Hospice care is only for people with advanced illnesses, and typically requires a doctor's evaluation and referral to access. While it is most commonly associated with the elderly, hospice care can be provided to patients of any age, if their situation warrants it.
The focus of hospice care is improving quality-of-life. This can involve:
Hospice care is always tailored to the patient and their situation, so care will be chosen on an individual basis. In-home care is typical, although hospice services may be provided within medical facilities if the patient is unable to come home.
There is no time limit on hospice care. While it is typically recommended for patients believed to have six months or less, this is not a mandate. Once a patient qualifies for hospice care, they can benefit from it for as long as they need. They are also free to stop receiving the service at any time if they choose. It is not an enforced commitment.
The costs for hospice care, even care from a hospice home health aide, are often low. If the patient is on Medicare, Medicare Part A covers up to 100% of hospice care and other end-of-life care. Many private insurance companies cover hospice care as well, although this will vary depending on the policy. Some state Medicaid programs also cover hospice services.
What To Look For When Seeking Hospice Care
Many organizations exist to provide hospice care and home health aides, so it's important to choose carefully to receive the best experience.
Some of the most important considerations include:
With the right care provider and hospice home health aide assisting, the final weeks or months of a person's life can be made significantly easier. The mental health benefits to both the patient and their family are substantial and allow the patient to pass as comfortably as possible.
Alliance Homecare VNA offers full hospice services and support, including in-home care at all levels. We want your final days, or your time with a loved one, to be as positive and supported as possible. We have highly trained experienced nurses as well as qualified medical professionals overseeing the process, leading to better outcomes.
Contact us today to discuss our hospice care services in more detail.
Alliance Home Care VNA
400 West Cummings Park, Suite 3775
Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 781-281-1626
Fax: 781-281-1627
Business Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
On call 24 hours, 7 days a week
Admissions are taken 7 days a week, including holidays
Free In-Home Consultation
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Cape Verde, French, Creole